Can a girl in Grammar/Logic School wear ‘skinny pants’?
A major function of our dress code is to promote modest attire. Girls pants should not not be ‘hugging’ the body.
Can a girl in Logic School wear leggings to gym?
Only underneath gym uniform shorts.
​Can a student wear a gym shirt as spiritwear?
No, gym shirts are only for gym attire.
​Can a girl in Grammar/Logic School wear white ballet flats?
No, dress shoes must be navy, dark brown, or black on chapel days and navy, dark brown, tan, or black on other days.
Can a girl in Grammar/Logic School wear any kind of boots during the school day?
No, students are allowed to change out of boots in the morning but may not wear any kind of boots (including sneaker boots) throughout the school day.
Can earrings be placed in other parts of the ear besides the lobe?
No, earrings can only be worn on the lobes.
Can a girl in Grammar/Logic School wear a cold weather head band as a hair accessory?
No, cold weather head bands may only be worn when going outside. Head bands should not cover the ears.
​Can a student wear a jacket (fleece or other material) to class?
No, a jacket is considered to be outdoor attire and must be removed in class.